Smart Waste Disposal Monitoring System
Created: 02-06-2021 Forks: 0 Watchers: 4 Stars: 4
Waste management is one of the primary problem that the world faces irrespective of the case of developed or developing country. The key issue in the waste management is that the garbage bin at public places gets overflowed well in advance before the commencement of the next cleaning process. Sometime the garbage collector truck not sufficient for collecting all the garbage. These in turn leads to various hazards such as bad odor & ugliness to that place which may be the root cause for spread of various diseases. Another issue is in the waste management is having more trucks and human resources than needed. To avoid all such hazardous scenario and maintain public cleanliness and health this work is mounted on a smart garbage system. We are living in an age where tasks and systems are fusing together with the power of IOT to have a more efficient system of working and to execute jobs quickly! With all the power at our finger tips this is what we have come up with. The traditional way of manually monitoring the wastes in waste bins is a cumbersome process and utilizes more human effort, time and cost which can easily be avoided with our present technologies. The main theme of the work is to develop a smart intelligent garbage alert system for a proper garbage management. What our system does is it gives a real time indicator of the garbage level in a trashcan at any given time using weight and volume (solar) sensors. Using that data and as the bins are containing GSM module we can give an alert signal to the municipal web server then optimize waste collection efficient routes, sufficient number of trucks and labors. It allows trash collectors to plan their daily/weekly pick up schedule.