FAQ: How to add an image?

When you are editing the _README.md_ file of the given repository templates, you may need to upload images. You can use one of the following methods for it.
Option 1: Using MD image format
You can upload images to a folder inside your GitHub page folder (Ex: /docs/images/  folder) and add the relative URL of the image as below.

![Sample Image](./images/sample.png)
Figure 1.1 Sample Image
Option 2: Using HTML + Bootstrap CSS classes
You can upload images to a folder inside your GitHub page folder (Ex: /docs/images/ folder) and add the relative URL of the image as below. You can also use any Bootstrap-4 CSS classes to format the image.

<div class="figure container">
<img class="mx-auto d-block" src="./images/sample.png" alt="Sample Image" width="128" />
<p class="caption text-center">Figure 1.1 Sample Image</p>
Option 3: Using drag-and-drop upload
If you are editing the /docs/README.md in the GitHub web, you can just drag and drop the image into the text editor, and it will be automatically uploaded to GitHub CDN and provide you a link like below. You can use either Option 1 or Option 2 with this link.
