FAQ: How to configure the JSON file?

When you are creating a GitHub repository to be shown on this site, you need to place a specific JSON file in the URL, https://cepdnaclk.github.io/{your-repository-name}/data/index.json, to provide a few details.

You can follow the guidelines in the below table to fill the JSON file provided in the template.

Note: Different templates may have different set of parameters, but you can use any of the below in your index.json file.

Field Description Example
title Title of the project (Better to use the Title Case for this) "title": "Example Project for the Demonstration"
name Name (Applicable for both team and supervisor groups. For the supervisors, please make sure to use the organizational email address) "name": "Herath A.B."
email Email address (Applicable for both team and supervisor groups) "email": "example@eng.pdn.ac.lk"
eNumber E Number of the student "eNumber": "E/15/999",
tags (Optional) Add some tags, separated by commas "tags": [Machine learning and Data Mining, Final Year Project]

Publications configurations

If your project has some publications, you can fill them using the following template. You can include more than one publication, by following the correct JSON list syntax as below. If you haven’t any, keep it default or remove it from the index.json file.

"publications": [
        "title": "Paper Title",
        "journal": "Journal or Conference Name",
        "description": "Sample Description",
        "url": "#"
Field Description Example
title (Required) The title of the paper "title": "Paper Title"
journal (Required) The Journal or the Conference that paper was published "journal": "Journal or Conference Name"
description (Required) A breif description about the paper and the Journal/Conference "description": "Sample Description"
url (Required) A URL to the paper in conference website, or journal page "url": "#"

Media Configuration

If you are interested in embedding a video with your project, you can use the following template to define them.

You can include more than one media, by following correct JSON list syntax as below. If you haven't any, keep it default or remove it from the index.json file.

"media": [
        "type": "youtube",
        "title": "",
        "url": "#"
Field Description Example
type (Required) Type of the media (It only support YouTube videos for now) "type": "youtube",
title (Required) Title of the media content "title": "Sample demonstration of the project ABC",
url (Required) URL that embed the video. For YouTube, you can find this URL from Share > Embeded section "url": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/yqCF_4RPnlA"