How to add a 'Non-GitHub' Project?
1. Fork the repository into your GitHub account from here, and clone/download it into your device.
2. Use any editor and create files based on the templates provided in the following directory. You can follow the same directory structure already there. (Each category/course has a template file named '' in its relevant folder.)
If there any description about the project, you can add them to the end of the file, after triple dashes (- - -).
That content can have basic HTML tags.
You can refer to the following guideline when filling the parameters in MD files.
MD File Parameters
Field | Description | Example |
layout | [Do not change] | layout: project_old |
title | Title of the project (use title-case) |
title: Biofeedback inputs for first person shooter games |
permalink | This is the page link of the project. Recommended to use the title with lower case, and replace the 'spaces' with '-' | permalink: /4yp/e12/biofeedback-inputs-for-first-person-shooter-games |
has_children | [Do not change] | has_children: false |
parent |
This should be the batch and the category name.
In most categories, it is already provided in the template and only needs to replace the 'xx' with batch number (Case-sensitive) |
parent: Exx Embedded Systems Projects |
grand_parent |
This should be a category name. In most categories, it is already provided in the template, and no need for change. (Case-sensitive) |
grand_parent: Embedded Systems Projects |
cover_url |
Need to change the course code, which is between 'categories/' and '/cover_page.jpg' In most categories, it is already provided in the template, and no need for change. |
cover_url: |
thumbnail_url |
Need to change the course code, which is between 'categories/' and '/thumbnail.jpg' In most categories, it is already provided in the template and no need for change. |
thumbnail_url: /data/categories/4yp/thumbnail.jpg |
tags | (Optional) Add some tags, separated by commas. | tags: [ Machine learning and Data Mining ] |
team | Add the names of the team member(s), separated by commas | team: [ Herath A.B. , Karunaratne S. ] |
supervisors | Add the names of the supervisor(s), separated by commas | supervisors: [ Prof. Ragel R.G., Mr. D.S. Deegalla ] |
has_publication | If there any publication available under this project, mark this field as 'true' | has_publication: false |
publication | (Optional) Add the publication as a string, including contributors, journal or conference references, etc... | publication: "Chuah, Chai Wen & Alawatugoda, Janaka & Kumarasiri, Malitha & Navaratna, Iranga & Silva, Rangana. (2019). On Power Analysis Attacks against Hardware Stream Ciphers. International Journal of Information and Computer Security. 11. 1. 10.1504/IJICS.2019.10023739." |
3. Once you completed the file creation, git commit, push into your repository, and make a Pull-Request to the repository,, and inform to the one of the maintainer.
If you need any clarification, please feel free to contact the Coordinator or one of the Maintainer listed in this page.